Monday, October 25, 2010

IT Security for the Next Generation – Asia Pacific & MEA Cup 2011

Opportunity to win Asia cup...

Students and Professionals can register by Oct 30 and submit their papers on CyberCrime and win Kaspersky lab's Asia Cup.

This conference is to present and discuss issues relating to cybercrime. It provides a platform for the next generation to be able to share their respective knowledge and experiences and to develop new ideas to improve the level of security in information technology.

The authors will be given a certificate of participation.

Conference Topics

Technical Topics:

  1. Trends in Anti-Spam Development – Techniques, Methods in the “Spam Arms Race” and new Innovations
  2. Dangers of an increasingly Networked World
  3. “In the Cloud”-Security
  4. Future Technologies for Detecting and Combating Malware (e.g. artificial intelligence, fuzzy systems, p2p-networks)

Social, economic and legal Topics:

  1. Emerging Threats (e.g. social network security, embedded systems security, mobile security, online banking security)
  2. Challenges and Opportunities for IT-Security Companies within the next 10 Years
  3. Impact of technologies on Data Protection, Copy and Intellectual Property Rights and Jurisdiction
  4. Education in IT Security - Trends and Questions

Conference Participants:

Those who would like to participate should register here by October 30th, 2010 & send the research by November 30th, 2010 to

for more details click here.